Effective Craps Strategies: Top Tips For Winning


Craps is a relatively simple game, not as complex as poker, but more interesting than slots. It may initially seem intimidating because of the many bets available on the craps table, but it’s easy to learn. To know the best craps strategy keep reading the article.

When you first see the craps table, you might feel overwhelmed by all the rules and bets. But the good news is that craps are simpler than it appears, and making only a few bets is the smart way to play. The rest of the bets are there to provide more options, but they have lower chances of winning.

We created a guide for the best craps strategies because the game is simpler than it appears. We will share these strategies with you and explain the odds behind the game, which is important for every player to understand.

It’s important to remember that the odds of winning are real, and your success in any casino game depends on a combination of skill and luck. No game can be won only by skill; that’s what makes these games betting games and what makes playing them actual gambling .

While no one can guarantee a win, there are ways to improve your chances. In craps, that means knowing which bets have the best odds, where the house edge is the lowest, and so on.

If you focus on these specific bets, your chances of winning will be much higher than if you just bet randomly. Keep in mind, however, that your chances will be less than 100%.

Key Points Covered in the Article

  • Craps may seem overwhelming, but it’s simpler than it appears.
  • It’s essential to understand the odds and rules before playing.
  • The house edge is an essential factor to consider when choosing bets.
  • The pass bet, come bet, don’t pass, don’t come, and betting on 6 or 8 are some of the best bets.
  • Avoiding single-roll bets is vital as they have a high house edge and lower odds of winning.
  • Free resources, such as taking free odds, can help improve the chances of winning.
  • By sticking to the best bets and avoiding single-roll bets, players can maximize their odds of winning in craps.
  • Place 6 and Place 8 bets are recommended after the point has been set to minimize risk and protect other bets.
  • It’s essential to set boundaries for oneself while gambling and avoid making bets that are too big.
  • Winning is important, but it’s more important to have fun and enjoy the game.
  • The article provides answers to frequently asked questions about playing craps for real money, playing craps for free, the meaning of “Pass Line Bet,” “Don’t Pass Bet,” and “Place Bets” in craps.

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Understanding Craps Odds: A Comprehensive Guide

As with any other game, the goal in craps is to win. But before doing that, you need to understand how different bets work and what makes them different.

Someone who doesn’t know the rules and odds may see craps betting as choosing random bets all over the table, but for those familiar with the odds and the house edge, it’s easy to see the strategy behind the choices.

Technically, craps are one of the best games to play in a casino, but only if you make the right bets. Players usually choose several main bets, such as pass bet, come bet, don’t pass, and don’t come. These four bets are popular because their house edge is low, so players have a better chance of winning.

For example, the house edge for the pass bet is 1.41%, and the house edge for the don’t come bet is even lower at only 1.36%. These bets are so close to a break-even point that they won’t drain your bankroll quickly. And you can improve the odds even more by taking free odds, which we’ll explain later.

Besides these four bets, the other bets worth making include betting on 6 or 8. These two allow you to bet on specific numbers instead of the current point. Their house edge is 1.52%, which is not too bad, and the payout is 7/6, which is also acceptable.

Besides these six bets, betting on anything else is not a good idea. You will find that other bets have less favorable odds and payouts, and choosing them will lead to more losses than wins unless you are very lucky.

Effective Craps Strategy: Avoid Single-Roll Bets for Optimal Results

One of the first things to keep in mind when playing craps is to avoid single-roll bets. These include the field bet (the roller needs to roll 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 for you to win, and the house edge is between 2.78% to 5.56%) and seven bets (the total number on both dice needs to be exactly 7, which has a house edge of 16.67%), and any craps bet (you are paid 7 to 1 if the roller rolls 2, 3, or 12, which has a house edge of 11.11%). These bets have a high house edge, which makes them less favorable for players.

As you can see, most of these single-roll bets have a house edge of more than 10%, which could be better for players. It means the odds are not in your favor, and you’re more likely to lose.

That is worse than other casino games like roulette, video slots, and table poker. It’s important to avoid these types of bets and stick to the bets with the best odds.

These bets may be exciting, but they need better odds for players. They may be a good option if you’re looking for a thrill and are okay with losing money.

However, avoiding these types of bets is best if you want to improve your chances of winning. They are not part of a smart craps strategy.

Betting on certain numbers in a game of craps, like 12 or 2, may seem like a good idea because you could win a lot of money. But the odds of winning these bets are not in your favor.

The house (or Casino) has a big advantage, and you will likely lose your money. So, be careful when making these types of bets.

When playing craps, it’s important to remember that making single-roll bets is not a good way to make money. These bets have very low odds of winning, and you would need a lot of luck to come out ahead.

Instead, it’s better to stick with bets that have better odds and a lower house edge. This way, you have a better chance of winning and making money.

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Maximize Your Odds: Utilize Free Resources to Improve Your Chances

Earlier, we talked about how the pass-and-come bets are good choices if you want to win when playing craps. It’s important to remember that this continues beyond just your first bet. It would help to consider other betting options after your initial bet to increase your chances of winning.

When a person starts a round of craps, they roll the dice to set a point. If they roll certain numbers, the round ends immediately. Players who bet on the pass or come can make additional bets if a point is set.

If this sounds confusing, it might help to review the basic rules of craps before continuing to read this guide. That way, it will make more sense.

We mean that if you use the ‘free craps odds’ option, you can greatly reduce Casino’s advantage over you. This is because the Casino pays out these bets at the true odds, so they don’t have an advantage. This can make it so that the house edge is almost non-existent.

You might think that the Casino would limit how much you can bet on ‘free craps odds’ compared to your original pass bet. But most casinos let you make bets that are 100 times bigger on free odds.

This helps lower the Casino’s advantage even more, down to 0.02%. This means the game is almost fair for the player and the Casino. It’s the closest you can get to not losing any money.

There is a catch; you need a lot of money to use this strategy for craps. However, using the ‘free craps odds’ option whenever possible is the best way to increase your chances of winning.

You can also use the free odds option differently, like betting on the “don’t come” or “don’t pass” and then laying odds on those bets.

You can reduce the Casino’s advantage even more by doing this. You can make a small bet on the initial pass bet and then increase your free odds bet to the highest amount you can afford.

This way, you risk less money on your initial bet and increase it only after a point is set. This allows you to play with better odds and still have the chance to win big.

Strategies for Minimizing Risk in Betting

The betting strategy we discussed is the best for craps. However, it’s not the only one, and there are options for people who want to take bigger risks.

When you have a small amount of money for gambling, it’s okay to use some bets to protect your better bets. A good way to do this is by using “place 6” and “place 8” bets. This will help protect your “pass” and “free odds” bets.

When you’re playing craps, you should only make “place 6” and “place 8” bets after the point has been set.

For example, if the point is 6, you should bet on 8, and if the point is 8, you should bet on 6. But if the point is any other number, you should bet on 6 and 8.

This will help keep the house edge (or the Casino’s advantage) low, so you don’t have. Additionally, it would help if you used “free odds” bets to back up your “pass” bet, which will also help keep the house edge low.

It’s important to remember that when you use this strategy, your potential winnings will be smaller and happen more often. But it’s still a good idea to consider using it. This strategy can help you win more money in the long run.

Craps Strategy Alternatives

Craps is a really exciting game to play, and it can be easy to get caught up in the moment once you’re at the table.

When you’re feeling excited, it’s easy to want to take risks and make different types of bets. But it’s important to remember to be safe and not make bets that are too big.

Gambling can be risky, so it’s important to set boundaries for yourself and make sure you’re not getting in over your head.

It’s important to remember that when playing craps, it’s not always just about winning. Sometimes, it’s more important to have fun and enjoy the game.

Some people like to take risks and make big bets with high payouts, like 15/1 or 30/1, even if the chances of winning are lower. It’s all about finding what you enjoy and what makes the game exciting.

This type of betting is called “playing for the thrill,” If you decide to do this, it’s a good idea only to use a little bit of money.

Before you start playing, you should plan how much money you’re willing to lose and only bring that amount with you to the craps table. This way, you will only risk losing more money than you’re comfortable with.

If you decide to make risky bets when you’re excited, it’s important to know when to stop.

If you’re lucky enough to win a few times, it’s a good idea to quit while you’re ahead. And if you’re losing, it’s best to stop before you spend all of your money.

Instead, you can try playing a different game with lower stakes, like video slots, where you can win some money back and have fun simultaneously.

ALSO READ: How To Play Craps for Beginners

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Can I Play Craps for Real Money?

Yes, all the casinos we recommend offer various stakes for playing craps. Select your location from the following options, and we recommend the best real money craps sites for you:




New Zealand

South Africa



Is It Possible To Play Craps for Free?

Yes, all the casinos we recommend provide the option to play craps for free, allowing you to practice before playing for real money.

What is the Shooter in Craps?

In craps, players take turns rolling the dice, and the person throwing the dice is known as the “shooter.”

What Does the “Pass Line Bet” Mean in Craps?

Pass Line bet is the most popular type of bet in craps, where the player bets with the dice. The aim is that a seven or an 11 will be the “come out” roll (the first roll).

If this happens, the player wins and doubles their MoneyMoney. If the roll results in a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, it establishes a “point.”

The player then gets a second chance to win by shooting the dice and landing the same number. If a seven is rolled, the player loses in what is known as a “sevens out.”

The player instantly loses the bet if the roll results in 2, 3, or 12 (called Craps). The house edge for this type of bet is 1.41%.

What is the meaning of “Don’t Pass Bet” in Craps?

A “Don’t Pass bet” is the opposite of a “Pass Line bet,” as the player is betting against the dice. The player is hoping for a 2, 3, or 12 to be rolled on the initial roll (known as the “come out roll”); If this happens, the player wins and doubles their MoneyMoney.

If a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is rolled, this establishes a “point.” They give the player a second chance at winning, but unlike the “Pass Line Bet,” the player is now hoping that the same number will not be rolled again.

If the same number is rolled, the player loses, and if a seven is rolled first, the player wins the bet. The house edge for this bet is 1.41%.

What Are “Place Bets” in Craps?

A “Place bet” is when a player wagers a certain number to roll before a seven. The player can bet on numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. The payouts and house edge for each number are as follows:

  • Numbers 4 or 10: Payout is 9 to 5, and House Edge is 6.67%
  • Numbers 5 or 9: Payout is 7 to 5, and House Edge is 4%
  • Numbers 6 or 8: Payout is 7 to 6, and House Edge is 1.52%.

What Does the “Field Bets” Mean in Craps?

“Field bets” are wagers in which the player bets on the roll of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The payouts and house edge for each number are as follows:

  • Numbers 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11: Payout is 1 to 1 (no money is won or lost)
  • Number 2: Payout is 2 to 1
  • Number 12: Payout is 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 (depending on the Casino)
  • Numbers 5, 6, 7, or 8: The player automatically loses the bet. The Casino has a house edge of 5.56% on field bets.

What Are “Hard Bets” in Craps?

A “Hardway bet” is when a player wagers that the two numbers rolled on the dice will be the same. For example, a player may bet on rolling 3s on both dice or 4s on both. The only winning combinations for this bet are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The payouts and house edge for each number are as follows:

  • Number 2: Payout is 35 to 1, and House Edge is 13.89%
  • Numbers 4 or 10: Payout is 8 to 1, and House Edge is 11.11%
  • Numbers 6 or 8: Payout is 10 to 1, and House Edge is 9.09%

What Does “Sevens Out” Mean?

Rolling a seven after a point has been established can either result in a loss for a “pass line bet” or a win for a “don’t pass bet.”

What Does “Pressing Your Bet” Mean?

When a player wins, they can take their winnings or keep them on the table to increase their bet even more, known as “pressing the bet.

What Are “Roll Bets” in Craps?

“Roll bets” refer to when a player places a bet on the outcome of a single roll for a particular number. The payouts and house edge for each number are as follows:

  • Number 2 or 12: Payout is 30 to 1, House Edge is 13.89%
  • Number 3 or 11: Payout is 15 to 1, House Edge is 11.11%
  • Number 7: Payout is 4 to 1, and House Edge is 11.11%.

What Does “Come Bet” Mean in Craps?

Players can make a Come bet after the point has been established on the Pass Line. The rules for this bet are the same as a Pass Line bet. The payout and house edge for different numbers are as follows:

  • Numbers 4 or 10: Payout 1:2, House Edge 2.44%
  • Numbers 5 or 9: Payout 2:3, House Edge 3.23%
  • Numbers 6 or 8: Payout 5:6, House Edge 4%

What Does “Don’t Come Bet” Mean in Craps?

A “Don’t Come Bet” in craps is a bet placed after a point has been established on the Pass Line. It is the opposite of a “Come Bet” and has similar odds. The payouts and house edges for different numbers are:

  • Numbers 4 or 10: Payout of 1:2 and a house edge of 2.44%.
  • Numbers 5 or 9: Payout of 2:3 and a house edge of 3.23%.
  • Numbers 6 or 8: Payout of 5:6 and a house edge of 4%.

Craps Strategy Summary

  • Single-roll bets in craps, such as the field bet and seven bet, have a high house edge of between 2.78% to 16.67%
  • These bets have worse odds than other casino games like roulette, video slots, and table poker
  • Avoiding these types of bets can improve your chances of winning and making money
  • Stick to bets with better odds and a lower house edge for a better chance of winning
  • Remember that there are better ways to make money than single-roll bets, and they require a lot of luck to come out ahead.
  • Pass-and-come bets are a good choice to increase the chances of winning in craps.
  • After the first bet, consider other betting options to increase your chances of winning.
  • The “Free craps odds” option can greatly reduce Casino’s advantage by paying out bets at true odds.
  • Most casinos allow bets that are 100 times bigger on free odds, lowering the house edge to 0.02%
  • Using the “free craps odds” option when possible is the best way to increase the chances of winning.
  • Betting on “don’t come” or “don’t pass” and laying odds on those bets can also reduce the Casino’s advantage.
  • Consider making a small initial pass bet and increasing the free odds bet to the highest amount that can be afforded to play with better odds and still have a chance to win big.
Barbora Handlova

Barbora Handlova is the Editor and Content Writer for Win-Slots.com, a casino reviewing website. Coming from the Czech background Barbora is a creative and positive-minded person. She completed her studies in Czech and then moved to Canada to pursue her career in Content Writing ✍. A European native, she loves red wine 🥂 and likes to meet new people, travel ✈️, and discover new cultures and food. She spends her spare time reading, especially fantasy literature. Currently living in Toronto, Canada 🍁, she is doing research work on several Casinos along with other members of Team Win-Slots to produce great content.