How to Play Street Dice: A Complete Guide


Street Dice is a fun game people play in casinos and places like Joo Casino Online. It’s a very old game that two people play in secret. You get to bet on different ways the dice will land when you play.

There are five different options to choose from. This article will give tips on playing the Street Dice game to have a good time and win. Just remember, you don’t want to lose.

Make sure you check our guide on How To Play Craps for Beginners to know more on Street Dice game.

Playing in the Shadows

“When You’re Hot” by Jerry Reed is a song about a group of guys playing a game called street craps. They play it in an alley behind a building.

One of the guys gets arrested, but the others are allowed to go. Another song, “Stagger Lee” by Lloyd Price, also talks about street dice. In this song, two guys are playing a game and getting into a fight.

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An Ancient Form of Gambling

Dice games are a type of game that has been around for a very long time, like thousands of years. People used to play with small rocks or bones instead of dice.

There’s evidence that people played dice games as far back as 3000 BC. The Bible even mentions people playing dice.

These games are still popular today, and people play them in online crypto casinos and on the street. The great thing about dice games is that you don’t need special equipment.

A long, long time ago in Greece, people loved to play games for money. There were even special places just for gambling. In the stories of the gods, even they liked to bet on things.

One story says that Zeus, the most powerful god, even used gambling to decide who got what when he split the world into parts.

But not everyone liked gambling back then. Some smart people thought it was bad and that it could ruin the world. Today, lots of people still like to play games for money as a way to have fun.

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Quick and Simple to Learn

Street Dice is a cool game you can play with friends or at a party. It’s a game where you bet money, but it’s not hard to learn how to play Street Dice. The rules are simple and easy to understand.

There’s even a manual to help you learn how to play. If you’re looking for a fun and different game, Street Dice is what you’re looking for. You’ll have a great time playing it for years to come.

The rules for Street Dice are pretty simple. First, there’s a certain way you have to hold the dice to throw them.

The highest number you can roll is called the “point.” People can bet on the person throwing the dice or not bet at all.

The person throwing the dice can’t touch their body or fingers while they throw.

To play the Street Dice game, you’ll need two dice, a flat surface to throw them on, and a wall behind the surface to ensure the dice don’t hit someone.

Lastly, you’ll need a way to keep track of your bets and the money you win. That’s a basic rundown of how to play Street Dice.

Basic Rules to Play Street Dice

Street Dice is a fun game you can play with your friends. In this game, you roll two dice, and people bet on what they think the numbers will be.

You win the bet if the two numbers add up to 7 or 11. But you lose the bet if they add up to 2, 3, or 12. If the numbers add up to any other number, that number becomes the “point,” and you have to roll that number again before rolling a 7 to win.

People can bet on their role or someone else’s role. It’s a simple and exciting game.

Street Dice is a game you can play with your friends; usually, 2-4 people play at once. One person starts by rolling the dice, and they’re called the “shooter.”

Everyone else can bet on what they think the numbers on the dice will be.

If the shooter rolls a seven or an 11, they win, and everyone else loses. Then, the next person becomes the shooter and rolls the dice. It’s fun to play with friends and make some friendly bets.

When playing Street Dice, if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, they lose the game, and all the other players win. But if they roll any other number, that number becomes the “point.”

The shooter must then try to roll the same number they got for the point before rolling a 7. If they roll a seven before the point, they lose the game, and all the other players win.

Street Dice is a fun game that involves rolling dice and betting on the results. You can play it with your friends and family.

In this game, two six-sided dice are used, and players take turns rolling them. You can bet on your own or another player’s roll.

If the total of the two dice is seven or eleven, the player who rolled the dice wins their bet. But if the total is two, three, or twelve, the player loses their bet.

If any other number comes up, it becomes the “point,” the player must try to roll that number again before rolling a seven.

If they roll a seven first, they lose their bet, and the others win. It’s an exciting game that’s easy to learn and play.

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Final Thoughts

Street Dice is a cool and exciting game you can play with friends. It’s been around for a long time, almost as long as people have played games for fun.

In this game, you roll two dice and bet on the outcome of your roll or someone else’s roll. If you roll a seven or an eleven, you win. But you lose if you roll a two, three, or twelve.

If you roll any other number, that number becomes the “point,” and you have to try to roll it again before you roll a seven. You can place bets on your roll or someone else’s roll. It’s fun to spend time with friends and see who comes out on top.

Check our detailed guide on how to play Street dice to win easily.

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