What Are Bank Shots In Pool?


Bank shots are a significant piece of playing pool. They’re enjoyable to look at and fundamental for improving as a player. Assuming that you’re new to the pool, figuring out how to do bank shots in the pool is one of the main things you should do to move along. Here, we’ll give you a few hints to assist you with having better bank chances. With training and these tips, you can make bank shots like a genius in a matter of seconds.

What Does Bank Shot Mean In Pool?

In a pool, bank shots are the point at which you utilize the table’s edges to skip the ball into a pocket. You can skip the ball off the edge first or bob it off the edge in the wake of raising a ruckus around town. Further developing your bank shot abilities is critical for improving your general pool game and expanding your possibilities of winning in the bank shot pool.

How To Bank Shot In Pool?

Here are some important tips for mastering bank shots in pool:

1: Consider Angles Equally

Figuring out Angles: Angles assume a basic part in the pool, particularly while endeavouring bank shots. While setting up for a bank shot, picture the way the object ball will take in the wake of stirring things up around town.

Equal Angles Principle: The principle of equal angles is fundamental. It states that the angle at which the object ball hits the cushion will roughly match the angle at which it rebounds. This principle is key to predicting the ball’s path after the bank shot.

Impact of Distance: Longer bank shots can be deceptive. Even small changes in angle can lead to significant differences in the ball’s path due to the increased distance it travels. Be mindful of this when lining up your shot.

Changing Your Shot: To execute a fruitful bank shot, you might have to change your point and the power of your shot. Practice various points and distances to foster a vibe of what changes can mean for the result of your shot.

Practice Makes Perfect: Like any skill in the pool, mastering bank shots requires practice. Spend time on the table experimenting with different angles and shot strengths to improve your ability to execute successful bank shots during a game.

2: Speed Impact On Shot

Speed’s Impact on Bounce: Your shot’s speed affects how the ball bounces back off the pad. Quicker shots make tight angles, while slow ones make more extensive analyses.

Cushion Qualities: The pool table Cushion are made of a delicate material. At the point when you hit the ball with more power, the pad will push it back with more noteworthy power.

Key Concept: Recognizing the relationship between shot speed and angle changes is crucial in the pool. This understanding allows you to anticipate where the ball will go after hitting the cushion.

Consider Other Factors: Shot speed is significant but not the only factor. How you spin the ball and where you make contact on the ball also influence its bounce.

Work on Through Training: To upgrade your abilities, try different things by raising a ruckus around town at various rates. This active practice will extend how you might interpret what speed means for the ball’s direction.

3: Aim for the Pocket Opening ( Cross Pocket Line )

Imagine a Line: Picture a line extending from the corner pocket to where the cloth meets the pocket opening. This is your aiming guide.

Aim at the Meeting Point: Direct your shots to where the cloth meets the pocket opening. This spot offers the best chance of making the shot, even if you’re slightly off to the left or right.

Increase Your Chances: By aiming at this point, you improve your odds of scoring even if you don’t hit the exact centre of the pocket. If you’re close to this spot, there’s more room for the ball.

4: Understanding the Ball Pocket Line

Setting the Ball’s Path: Once you’ve grasped how to use the cross pocket line, it’s time to consider the ball pocket line. This line consistently intersects the cross pocket line, creating an “X” shape.

Visualizing the Line: Envision a line (highlighted in red in illustrations) extending from the object ball to the opposite pocket. This line signifies the path the object ball should take to be pocketed in the desired pocket.

Dependence on Aim: Success with this technique hinges on your ability to aim the ball accurately into the pocket’s centre. Use the pocket’s base and the cushion’s meeting point with the tablecloth to align each bank line and angle.

Avoiding Misleading Views: It’s important not to align your shots with the tops of the rails, as this can distort your perspective and lead to inaccurate shots.

5: Understanding the Bank Stroke Line

Focus on the Meeting Point: Identify where the cross pocket and ball pocketing lines intersect. This is crucial for determining your bank shot.

Draw a Straight Line: Visualize a straight line extending from this intersection to the cushion. This line indicates where you should aim for the 1-ball to hit on the table.

Determining the Strike Point: The point where this straight line meets the cushion is where you want the 1-ball to make contact. This will help it change direction towards the pocket.

Using Cue Visualization: To aid your visualization, you can use your cue to trace along these imaginary lines. This can assist in aligning your shot accurately.

What Is the Difference Between a Bank Shot And a Kick Shot In Pool?

You don’t have to stress in the event that you are additionally confused like others and need to know the difference between a kick shot and a bank shot in pool. Our win-slots team is always here to clear all your doubts. Here are the significant differences between bank shot and kick shot:

Bank Shots

  • A bank shot is said to be perfectly done when the cue hits an object ball, bouncing off a rail and into a pocket.
  • To make a bank shot, picture the way the object ball hits and bounces back off the pad. The place where the object ball enters the pad will be equivalent to the place where it exits, so point likewise.
  • Bank shots can be tested, particularly when the point is sharp or the object ball is near a rail. In any case, utilizing the identical representation framework can assist you with seeing the shot better and working on your precision.

Kick Shots

  • A kick shot is when the cue ball is hit towards a rail first, then bounces off to pocket an object ball.
  • To calculate the angle for a kick shot, count the diamond shapes on the rail from where the cue ball is to where you want to hit, then divide by two. This gives you an idea of where to aim.
  • If something is blocking a straight shot, you can use spin to change the angle. The left spin makes the angle wider, while the right spin makes it narrower.
  • Kick shots take practice, especially when you’re using spin. Trying out different spin amounts will help you understand how it affects the cue ball’s path.

Bank shots pool include bouncing the object ball off a rail into a pocket, while dismiss shots include bobbing the cue ball from a rail to take an object ball. The two shots need cautious pointing and a comprehension of angles to find success.


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In conclusion, dominating bank shots is a critical expertise for any pool player hoping to work on their game. By figuring out the standards of angles, speed, and point, players can upgrade their capacity to really execute these shots. With training and persistence, anybody can become capable of making bank shots and lift their pool-playing abilities to a more elevated level.


Q: What is a bank shot pool?

A: Bank shots, otherwise called cushion shots, are strategies in cue sports like carom billiards, pool, and snooker, where the player strikes an object ball (typically the prompt ball) to hit at least one cushion rails prior to hitting another ball. Dominating bank shots requires ability and accuracy, as they frequently include working out points and diversions off the pads.

Q: What is the bank shot rule?

A: The fundamental rule states that each shot must involve banking the cue ball off the object ball and subsequently off one or more cushions on its path to the pocket.

Q: Are bank shots legal in the pool?

A: A ball is considered legally pocketed if it is sunk as a result of a bank shot, only touches the number of cushions specified when the shot is called and is not pocketed due to a kiss or carom.

Q: How are bank shots calculated?

A: To determine the bank point line for any pool bank shot, divide the lines where the ball pocket lines and cross pocket lines join.