How To Play Bank Pool: Bank Pool Rule


Bank Pool is a cool game that mixes strategy and skill. In a regular pool, you aim to directly pocket balls, but in a bank pool, you bounce the cue ball off the rails to sink object balls. This adds a horseplay challenge where you want to plan your shots carefully. Bank pool is invigorating and an exceptional strategy for testing your capacities, whether you’re a new or more experienced player.

What Is the Objective Of the Game Bank Pool?

In Bank Pool, the objective is to score a greater number of points than your rival by stashing balls utilizing bank shots. Every player alternates shooting any item ball into any pocket, yet the shot should be a lawful bank shot to count. The main player to arrive at the necessary score dominates the match.

Bank Pool Break Rules

At the Conclusion of the Break, players can determine who breaks first by flipping a coin or “slacking” to see who can draw the prompt ball nearer to an assigned spot.

Setting Up the Rack All balls are set up in a three-sided rack, with the front ball set as close as conceivable to the assigned spot on the table.

The Break, The first player, tries to hit the racked balls with the cue ball to start the game. If any balls are pocketed on the Break, they are kept aside and put back on the table later.

Legal Break Requirements: The breaker must hit the racked balls in a specific way. If they fail to do so, the other player can choose to play from where the balls are or ask for a re-break.

Variations of Bank Pool

  • Full Rack Banks: The cue ball can hit any ball first, but at least two balls must hit the rails after contact.
  • Nine-Ball Banks: The balls are set up in a diamond shape, and the first ball must be hit with the cue ball, with at least one ball going past the side pockets.

Break Order

Players can choose to alternate the Break between games or have the winner of the previous game break in the next one. In a multiplayer game, the break order rotates among the players, and if new players join or others leave, a new order is established.

Calling Your Shot

In Bank Pool, players should plainly state which ball they plan to stash, which pocket they are going for the gold, and how they expect the cue ball to make before putting forth their attempt. On the off chance that the called shot isn’t executed as portrayed, the ball doesn’t count, and it is gotten back to the table without punishment.

Continuing Your Turn

Players can continue shooting as long as they successfully pocket the called ball. Only one ball can be scored per shot, and any additional balls pocketed are reserved to be returned to the table later. A player’s turn ends if they fail to pocket a called shot, scratch (pocket the cue ball), commit a foul, or pocket a ball by hitting another ball first.

Rules to Observe

  • Combination shots, where one ball is used to pocket another, are not allowed.
  • Carom shots, where the cue ball hits one ball and then another, are not permitted.
  • The called ball must be hit first, not the rail and the cue ball can only hit each object ball once on its way to the pocket.

Playing Safely

In Bank Pool, players can choose a well-being shot in the event that they don’t have an unmistakable shot. In the wake of hitting an item ball with the cue ball, the player should either stash a ball or make the prompt ball or possibly one article ball hit a pad. On the off chance that a player incidentally pockets a ball, there’s no punishment. However, they don’t get to proceed with their turn except if it was a legitimate shot.


  • Moving Balls: If a player accidentally moves a ball, their opponent can decide if it stays where it is or goes back to its original position.
  • Scratches and Fouls: A scratch (pocketing the cue ball) or any foul ends the player’s turn, and they lose a point. If a player illegally pockets a ball, that ball is also forfeited. In the event that a player has not legitimately scored any balls yet, they owe a point for each foul, which is paid by spotting balls toward the finish of their most memorable scoring turn.
  • Jumping the Cue Ball: It’s a foul to make the cue ball jump off the table. The other balls are simply placed back on the table.
  • Ball in Hand: After a scratch or the cue ball leaping off the table, the following player will put the cue ball anyplace behind the head string. If there are no balls below the head string, the closest ball is spotted. The highest-numbered ball is spotted if two or more balls are equally close.
  • Other Fouls: The incoming player must shoot from where the cue ball lies for other fouls. If a player is found to have cheated in placing the balls, the next player can choose to leave them or put them back. The cheater loses a point and may face more penalties for bad behaviour.

Spotting Balls

At the point when a ball should be placed back on the table, it is put on the foot spot or in a line straightforwardly underneath it. The ball ought to be put near different balls yet not contact the cue ball. If there are other balls waiting to be placed back, they are set aside until the player’s turn is over. However, if all the balls have been cleared from the table, the waiting balls are immediately placed back.

Failure to Call the Shot

  • Players must verbally declare which ball they intend to pocket and in which pocket. If a player pockets a different ball or in a different pocket, the ball does not count, and their turn ends.
  • If a player is about to take a shot without declaring their intended shot, their opponent or a referee can ask them to clarify. If they fail to do so, any balls pocketed do not count, and their turn ends.
  • Any shot involving hitting more than one cushion is considered unclear. If a ball is taken in such a shot without being called, and there is a question, the ball doesn’t count, and the shooter’s turn closes.
  • If there is a worry that the cue ball could hit one more ball or pad before raising a ruckus around the town ball, the rival can demand a decision from a ref. The shooter is assumed to be the best if no decision is made.
  • If a called ball makes contact with the cushion or pocket points near the called pocket before going in, it still counts as long as it was a legal shot and no foul occurred.

Resolving Conflicts

In Bank Pool, if there’s no referee, players have to solve any problems themselves. They need to agree on the score and how to play. If they can’t agree, they can ask for a referee.

On the off chance that there’s no ref, they can ask an impartial individual, similar to the ‘house man’ or somebody the two of them settle on, to pursue a choice. Whatever decision that person makes is final.

Standard Terms in Bank Pool

  • Cross-corner: A shot where the ball is banked off one of the long cushions into a corner pocket.
  • Cross-side: A shot with the ball banked off one of the long cushions into a side pocket.
  • One-rail: Any shot where the ball is banked off one cushion.
  • Straight-back: A shot where the ball is banked off an end cushion into a corner pocket.
  • Straight-back underneath: A shot with the ball banked off an end cushion into the nearest corner pocket.
  • Straight back twice, or Up and down: A shot where the ball is banked up and down the table into a corner pocket, using only the end cushions.
  • Straight back three times: A shot where the ball is banked up and down the table into a corner pocket, using only the end cushions.
  • Two-rails: Any shot where the ball is banked off two cushions.
  • Two in the corner: A shot with the ball banked off two cushions into a corner pocket.
  • Two in the side: A shot with the ball banked off two cushions into a side pocket.
  • Twice across in the side: A shot where the ball is banked back and forth across the table into a side pocket, using only the side cushions.
  • Twice across in the corner: A shot with the ball banked across the table into a corner pocket, using only the side cushions.
  • Three times across A shot, the ball is banked across the table into a corner pocket using only the side cushions.
  • Three rails: Any shot where the ball is banked off three cushions.
  • Four rails: Any shot where the ball is banked off four cushions.
  • Five rails: Any shot where the ball is banked off five cushions.
  • For example, a “Three in the Corner” shot involves banking the ball off three rails into a corner pocket.
  • For instance, a “Three in the side” shot requires banking the ball off three rails into a side pocket.


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In Conclusion, Bank Pool is a delightful game that blends framework and ability. Rather than a customary pool, where you mean to stash balls clearly, a bank pool presents the trial of using the rails to sway the cue ball into the thing balls. This adds a dynamic element of planning and precision to each shot. Whether you’re a fledgling or an accomplished player, the bank pool offers an undeniably exhilarating and compensating experience that tests your capacities and vital reasoning.


Q: What are the rules for a bank pool?

A: The Bank pool is a game with strict rules. Unlike other pool games, you can’t hit the rail before hitting the object ball (this is called a kick shot). You also can’t hit one ball to pocket another (this is called a combination shot). In the bank pool, you have to hit the object ball directly with the cue ball and say which ball you will hit and which pocket you’re aiming for.

Q: How does banking work in the pool?

A: In billiards games, a bank shot is the point at which you deliberately bob an item ball off of the rail to stash it in a spot that isn’t straightforwardly open with a straight shot.

Q: What is the three-bank rule in the pool?

A: Per the 3-wall rule, the cue ball should contact three pads, particularly before stashing the object ball. Inability to do so brings about a foul, which could prompt a punishment, for example, losing a point or granting a highlight to the rival.

Q: Are bank shots legal in the pool?

A: A ball is considered legally pocketed if it is sunk through a bank shot, if the shot specifies a certain number of cushion contacts executed precisely, and if the pocketing does not result from a kiss or carom.