Top 10 Baccarat Strategies to Win Easy Money


Baccarat Strategies – Do you like playing casino games? There’s a game called Baccarat, and if you want to win some real money while playing it online, you’ll need some good strategies and play styles. Luckily, some experts can help you learn all the best strategies and tricks for playing Baccarat. With their help, you can bring your A-game to the table and increase your chances of winning. So why not give it a shot? Who knows, you might just become a Baccarat pro.

Baccarat is a really popular game that people play at casinos, and it’s been around for more than 500 years. During that time, many people devised different ways to win more money when they played.

We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 strategies people use when they play Baccarat, and you can try them out next year and in the years after that.

These Baccarat strategies might help you stay at the table longer and maybe even win more money, so it’s worth trying them.

Keep in Mind– Just like with any other casino game; there’s no surefire way to win every time you play Baccarat using the strategies we listed. While these baccarat strategies can help you have a plan and focus on your betting, they can’t guarantee that you’ll always win.

So, it’s important to remember that even with a strategy, there’s always a chance that you might lose some of your money.

In the game of Baccarat, there’s a rule that says if the total value of the cards in your hand is less than 5, you get to draw another card. This means you can try to improve your hand and get a higher total value, giving you a better chance of winning the game.

So, if your cards don’t add up to at least 5, you get to draw another card and try to make your hand stronger.

Keep reading the article to know the best baccarat strategies to win easy money.

How to Play Baccarat

Let me explain how a game of Baccarat works before discussing the different strategies you can use.

  • First, you must choose how much money you want to bet and which outcome you think will win: Player, Banker, or Tie. Then, two cards are dealt to both the Player and the Banker, and their values are added to see who is closer to the number 9.
  • If the total value of the cards is over 9, it starts back at 0 and increases again up to 9. For example, if a Player is dealt a 6 and a 7, which adds up to 13, their total value would be 3 (13-10=3).
  • If the total value of the cards is 5 or less, then the Player with the lower value gets a third card to try to improve their score. However, if the total value is already 8 or 9 for the Player or Banker, no more cards are dealt, and the game ends.
  • So remember, in Baccarat, you’re trying to get as close to 9 as possible, and if you go over 9, you start back at 0. If your total is 5 or less, you can get a third card to improve your score. Got it?

If you want to learn more about how Baccarat works, including the 3-card rule and how to make and win Banker/Player Pair bets, you should check out a guide called “How to Play Baccarat.” It’s a great resource for learning all the details of this classic casino game. So, if you want to master the game of Baccarat, be sure to give it a read.

Baccarat Bet Types

Have you heard of Baccarat? It’s a card game where you can place bets on different outcomes. There are five different options for betting, and I’ll explain them to you.

  • Banker: This bet means you’re betting the Banker’s hand will win. If it does, you’ll get paid 0.95 times the amount of your bet.
  • Player: This bet means you’re betting the Player’s hand will win. If it does, you’ll get paid 1 times the amount of your bet.
  • Tie: This bet means you’re betting that the Banker’s and Player’s hands will have the same value. If they do, you’ll get paid 8 times the amount of your bet.
  • Banker Pair: This bet means you’re betting that the Banker’s initial two cards will be a pair. If they are, you’ll get paid 11 times the amount of your bet.
  • Player Pair: This bet means you’re betting that the Player’s initial two cards will be a pair. If they are, you’ll get paid 11 times the amount of your bet.

So, these are the different ways you can bet in Baccarat. Understanding each one is important to make informed decisions while playing the game. Good luck and have fun.

Top 10 Baccarat Strategies

1- The Baccarat Martingale

Have you ever heard of a strategy called the Martingale that people use when they gamble at casinos? Well, it’s a popular baccarat strategy many people try out. Here’s how it works:

The most important rule is that you double the amount of money you bet on the next round whenever you lose a round. The idea behind this strategy is that you’ll eventually win a round, which will make up for all the money you lost in the previous rounds.

But remember, it’s really important to stick to a certain way of betting and not change it too much. This is called your betting style; if you stick to it, you’ll have a better chance of winning in the long run.

One way to make this strategy even better is to set a minimum and maximum amount of money you’re willing to bet. This way, you can track how much money you’re spending and not bet more than you can afford to lose.

2- Side with the Banker

Did you know that when you’re playing a game called Baccarat at a casino, there’s a slightly better chance that the Banker will win than the Player?

And if you bet on the Banker and it does win, you’ll get a payout of 0.95 for every dollar you bet.

So here’s a simple strategy: bet on the Banker every time. Even though the Banker has a little bit of an advantage over the Player, it’s not sure that the Banker will win every time.

That’s why it’s important to stick with this strategy for multiple rounds to have the best chance of winning more money.

3- Focus on Pair Bets

Did you know that when you’re playing Baccarat at a casino, there’s a type of bet called a Pair bet that can potentially give you the highest return on your money? If you bet on a Pair and it wins, you’ll get paid 11 times the amount you bet.

So, here’s a strategy: focus on making bets only on the Player Pair or the Banker Pair. If you win, you’ll get a big payout that can compensate for any money you lost in previous rounds.

You can stick with just one type of bet or switch back and forth between the two to make things more exciting. Remember that this is a riskier strategy, so you only bet what you can afford to lose.

4- Baccarat Fibonacci

Did you know that a strategy called the Fibonacci is often used for Roulette but can also be adapted for Baccarat? This strategy focuses mostly on Banker bets and follows a specific sequence of betting values for each round.

Here’s how it works: start by setting a minimum bet value, like £1. If you win a round, you move one step forward in the sequence, but if you lose, you return to the beginning and start over.

The sequence you should follow is 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987.

So, for example, if you start with a £1 bet and win, your next bet will be £1 again. If you win again, you move up to a £2 bet, and so on. But if you lose at any point, you return to the beginning and start over with a £1 bet.

Remember, this is a riskier strategy, and you’ll not be guaranteed to win. So, only bet what you can afford to lose and be prepared to stick with the sequence for multiple rounds to see the best results.

5- The James Bond

Did you know there’s a strategy called the James Bond strategy inspired by the famous secret agent who loves his martinis shaken, not stirred?

Here’s how it works: you start by playing each round with a total of £200, which you split across three bets. The first bet is for £140 on the Banker, the second is for £50 on the Player, and the third is for £10 on a Tie.

This strategy can be adjusted to fit your budget so you can bet more or less money, depending on your preference. Remember to stick to a strict limit and not bet more than you can afford to lose.

If you follow the format of splitting your bets similarly to the example above, you’ll be playing the James Bond strategy like a pro.

6- The 3 2 System

So there’s a strategy in a game called Baccarat that you can use to try and win. The strategy is to split five chips (like little discs representing money) between two different bets.

You can choose between the two bets: Banker and Banker Pair or Player and Player Pair.

Once you decide which bets to place your chips on, you need to follow a sequence. First, you put three chips on either Banker or Player. Then, you put the other two chips on either Banker Pair or Player Pair.

After each round, you repeat this sequence and adjust the number of chips you place based on how much money you have left.

If you want to change things up, you can switch between placing your chips on Player and Banker at different rounds or mix it up between the Banker/Player bets and the Banker Pair/Player Pair bets.

This strategy aims to increase your chances of winning by spreading out your bets and not putting all your chips in one place.

However, it’s important to remember that there’s no guaranteed way to win in any game, so you should always play responsibly and within your budget.

7- The 1 3 2 6 System

This strategy is similar to the Fibonacci strategy, but instead of increasing the bet amount, it increases the number of chips you bet with.

You first decide on a chip size that will be your base bet. After each winning round, you add chips according to a specific pattern: 1, 3, 2, 6. If you win at stage 4, you start again with stage 1.

Let’s say you start with a base bet of £1. In the first stage, you bet 1 chip of £1. If you win, you move on to the second stage, where you bet 3 chips of £1, for a total of £3.

If you win again, you move on to the third stage, where you bet 2 chips of £1, for a total of £2.

If you win again, you move on to the fourth stage, where you bet 6 chips of £1, for a total of £6. If you win at this stage, you start over again at stage 1.

It’s important to note that this strategy works best when you focus your bets on the Player/Banker bets, as they have a higher chance of winning than the Tie or Player/Banker Pair bets. So, stick to these safer bets for the best results when using this strategy.

8- The Reverse Martingale

The Reverse Martingale is much like the Martingale strategy, but with one big difference. When you win a round, you double it instead of keeping your bet the same.

But when you lose a round, you lower your bet to avoid losing too much money. The goal is to limit how much you lose on each round by betting less when you’re not doing so well.

This differs from the Martingale, which tries to win back what you’ve lost by increasing your bet after every loss.

9- Side with the Player

Another strategy similar to the Side with the Banker strategy is to Side with the Player. With this strategy, you only place bets on the Player space.

The Player has almost the same chance of winning as the Banker, and you’ll get a slightly bigger payout if you win – usually 1:1.

However, there’s no guarantee that the Player will win in any given round. So, it’s important to stick with the strategy and alternate your bet values based on your limits.

10- The Mix Up

This strategy is called the Five Count and it’s really easy to understand. The idea is to not just stick to one type of bet. You set a rule on how many times you will make the same bet.

Once you’ve hit that limit, you switch to a different bet until you’ve used all 5 different types of bets. Then, you just start the cycle all over again.

This way, you’ll have a chance to win with every type of bet and never miss out on any winning opportunities. Switching up your bets is a flexible strategy with only one rule.

Best Tips for Baccarat Strategies

Like any new skill, getting better at playing Baccarat takes practice. Taking your time and trying out different strategies at low stakes is important.

This way, you can learn how each strategy works and get comfortable with implementing them. You’ll become more confident in your gameplay and see better results with practice.

SHOP AROUND- While it’s good to focus on one strategy to learn it quickly, it’s also important to try different strategies to see which works best for you.

By experimenting with different playstyles, you can find the best strategy that suits your personality and playstyle. It’s like trying on different clothes to see which ones fit you the best. So don’t be afraid to shop around and try out different strategies until you find the one that feels right for you.

MASTER YOUR FAVORITE- After trying out different strategies, you should pick the one you like the most and focus on mastering it. Spend time getting comfortable with the strategy and learning everything about it. The more you practice your chosen strategy, the better you will use it.

So, make it your primary focus to practice and keep honing your skills until you become a master. Remember, practice makes perfect.

FIND THE SUITABLE GAME- After trying different strategies and finding the one that works best for you, it’s time to find the Baccarat game that suits you.

You can try different versions of the game, like the 2-card Dragon Tiger, the fast-paced Speed Baccarat, or the classic version.

Experiment with them and see which one you like the most. Enjoying the game you’re playing is important, so find the one that takes your fancy.

SET THE LIMITS AND STICK TO THEM- It’s important to decide how much money you want to spend and set limits to ensure you don’t spend more than planned.

Stick to those limits and don’t go over them. If you need help setting limits, like how much money you can deposit or how long you can play, check out our Safer Gambling Tools. They’re easy to use and can help keep you in control.

Top Baccarat Games You Can Play Now

Are you ready to show off your new skills in Baccarat? We’ve got some cool Baccarat games, and different ways to play that we think are awesome. So, let’s test your knowledge and see how well you can play.

Game NameRTP(%)Max Win
Lightning Baccarat98.76%512x
Baccarat Squeeze98.94%200x
Dragon Tiger96.72%50x
Super Andar Bahar97.85%4,000x

Baccarat Strategy FAQs

What is the safest bet in Baccarat?

When you play a game called Baccarat, there are two spaces where you can bet your money: the Banker and the Player. The Banker has a better chance of winning the game than the Player, so it’s safer to bet on the Banker.

However, if you bet on the Banker and win, you won’t get as much money as if you bet on the Player. If you bet $10 on the Banker and win, you’ll only get $9.50 back.

But if you bet $10 on the Player and win, you’ll get $10 back. So, while it’s safer to bet on the Banker, you won’t get as much money if you win.

What is the best strategy for Baccarat?

Although there are many ways to play Baccarat, none are considered the “perfect” way. What might work for one person might not work for another, so it’s best to try different strategies and see which works best for you.

Don’t worry if you don’t find the perfect strategy immediately – it takes practice and patience to find the one that works best for you. Keep trying and have fun.

Should I always bet on the Banker in Baccarat?

When you play a game called Baccarat, some people think that betting on the Banker is a better choice because they have a slightly better chance of winning.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll always win if you bet on the Banker. It’s important to have a plan you feel good about and know that even though the Banker has a little advantage over the Player, it’s not a huge difference.

Which bet offers the highest payout in Baccarat?

In Baccarat, you can make a special bet called the Player/Banker Pair. It pays out the most if you win, 11 times the amount you bet.

But there’s a catch – you must win without using a third card. That means you must be really lucky, but if you win, you’ll get a big payout.

Can I play Baccarat on my mobile device?

You don’t have to go to the casino to play Baccarat anymore. You can play it from anywhere using your mobile. The good news is that all the Baccarat games work on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices so you can play on your favorite device.