Mario ‘YouPayMyF458’ Zwanzleitner Murder Suicide Story


An Austrian Twitch decoration, poker player, and DJ have been tracked down dead close by his sweetheart in Favoriten, Vienna. The woman had been beaten to death.

The police found the entryway of the condo opened and, at first thought, a twofold homicide with an obscure assailant free. Further examination led to the police illuminating the media that they thought the man had killed the woman, followed by wounding himself.

Related: NY Poker Player involved in Murder, Suicide.

As is often the case on TwoPlusTwo, an extremely observant discussion part detects the genuine detail when something major occurs.

The story was immediately distributed on an Austrian internet-based news site, and part Becherwerfer perceived the man as Twitch decoration Mario ‘YouPayMyF458’ Zwanzleitner.

He used to stream a blend of Counter-Strike and poker. As indicated by his Facebook page, different interests were all down the intriguing path. A combination of ‘Coronavirus is a trick’ and ‘PokerStars have manipulated my record’ appear to be specific top choices.
As though this wasn’t terrible enough, he let individuals know that he was going through preparing to turn into a Navy Seal in the US yet was restricted from claiming a firearm in Austria.

33year-old Zwanzleitner was known to police being shipped off jail for a long time back in 2016 for the endeavored assault of an 86-year-elderly person. Different banners composed how he was not of the sound psyche, but this unreasonably made his streams worth watching.
“His streams were amusing to watch since he shifted extremely quickly and regurgitated away his enormous stacks after a few terrible beats. This is the explanation why his streams were so advertised.”
Zwanzleitner’s live competition record extends back to 2007 with $83,895.
This is a tragic story and one brimming looking back. Mario Zwanzleitner seems to be one of many individuals who needed assistance; however, he never connected until it was past the point of no return.